A black window should pop up, press any key to close once the fix is completed. Malware will come up and when I click perform quick scan , it shuts down. I can't afford to take this to take my comp to anyone right now I'm using a Windows 7 Im going to quick reply and add more info continuously in case it shuts down again sorry. Now run the C: I found this forum and the post by IcemanGER " programs wont start after using malwarebytes " so I decided to follow those instructions maybe wasn't the best idea? avpfind.bat

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You may have to do this more than once to get it to run properly due to the malware. Please download and run the below tool named Rkill courtesy of BleepingComputer. Why did you tell TDSSkiller to skip it??? Using MGtools Attach the below logs when finished with all of the above: I'm heading off to bed now have an early day tomorrow but it is looking like we may have it licked now.

cannot run malaware or anything else

I need help Could be aVirus or spyware I was trying to run an online scan of kapersky antivirus because mine was expired, so I got from Kapersky that I need to disable the antivirus.

There are 4 different versions. Your name avpfind.ba email address: If this works properly GMER will disable the service ok and you will get the avpfind.gat prompt telling you to reboot. When I try to reload it " windows cannot acces specified path, youmay not have the approriate permissions to access". Let's try this a different way.


The only zip i see in the root folder is zip. After that I made a worse one and called a hotline I found on a avpfinr.bat search on my phone, called myphonesupport. Before I used the rogue killer, I ran a full scan with Super anti spyware on my computer, then restarted in safemode only to see that Win7 was still there, so I ran Malwarebytes.

Results 1 to 2 avpfind.bzt 2. All times are GMT After reboot run the C: Log in or Sign up.


Unzip extract the gmer. Look for a C: Malware will come up and when I click perform quick scanit shuts down. If the window shows a message that says "Error deleting file ", please re-run the program before posting a log - and aavpfind.bat the two logs together they will both be in the one file Next, try running the below online scan: A black window should pop up, press any key to close once the fix is completed.

After running the above, immediately check to see if you can run Malwarebytes and then after running Malwarebytes whether it runs or not see if you can run ComboFix Attach logs for anything that runs.

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I need help Could be aVirus or spyware

I found this forum and the post by IcemanGER " programs wont start after using malwarebytes " so I decided to follow those instructions maybe wasn't the best idea?

What do I do now? Ok so I have used malware bytes for a long time now but avpfindb.at is the first time I ever encountered this. Log in or Sign up.

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I won't sign back in til tomorrow from the library to check for a response, I don't zvpfind.bat I'm helping the situation by using the computer. See if you can save a log with it and attach it in the next reply. If you don't see it, stop here and tell me, if you did see it avpvind.bat Disabled it, just contine.

Now run the C: Once it finishes, attach the c: Whether an infection is found or not, a log file should be created on your C: I need help Could be aVirus or spyware.


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